Quantum Portal is a smart contract framework that enables interoperability and communication between different blockchains. Solidity developers can utilize Quantum Portal in their contracts to interact with contracts on other chains.
Quantum Portal allows contracts to execute methods on remote contracts located on different blockchains.It enables value transfers, method calls, and balance transfers between chains.
Developers can use Quantum Portal to build cross-chain functionalities and integrate with contracts on other chains.
Key Components
QuantumPortalPoc: An abstract contract that provides the main functionality for Quantum Portal.
It inherits from TokenReceivable and PortalLedger contracts.
TokenReceivable handles token transfers, and PortalLedger manages transaction registration and balance tracking.
Solidity developers can inherit from QuantumPortalPoc to incorporate Quantum Portal into their contracts.
The run function allows executing a method on a remote contract without value transfer.
The runWithValue function executes a remote method and pays a specified token amount to the remote contract.
The runWithdraw function performs a remote withdraw, updating the user's balance for subsequent withdrawals.
The remoteTransfer function transfers the remote balance of a token to another account within a mining context.
The withdraw function enables users to withdraw their remote balance.
The msgSender function retrieves information about the current context, including the source network, message sender, and beneficiary.
Demo QP Contract
Below is an example of a dummy QP contract that can send an receive messages crosschain from a source chain to target chain. This example walkthrough should give you a grasp of how to write solidity contracts that take advantage of cross chain communications.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragmasolidity ^0.8.0;// Importing Quantum Portal contractsimport"../QuantumPortalPoc.sol";import"../QuantumPortalLedgerMgr.sol";// Importing external libraries for safe operationsimport"foundry-contracts/contracts/common/SafeAmount.sol";import"@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";// Importing Hardhat console for loggingimport"hardhat/console.sol";// Interface for the remote contractinterface IDummyMultiChainApp {functionreceiveCall() external;}/** * @notice Dummy contract for testing. Run any configuration * Send tokens to each contract */contractDummyMultiChainAppisIDummyMultiChainApp {usingSafeERC20forIERC20;// Instance of Quantum Portal contracts QuantumPortalPoc public portal; QuantumPortalLedgerMgr public mgr;// Address of the fee tokenaddresspublic feeToken;// Constructor to initialize the contract with Quantum Portal addresses and fee token addressconstructor(address_portal,address_mgr,address_feeToken) { portal =QuantumPortalPoc(_portal); mgr =QuantumPortalLedgerMgr(_mgr); feeToken = _feeToken; }// Function to call a remote contract on a different chainfunctioncallOnRemote(uint256 remoteChainId,address remoteContract,address beneficiary,address token,uint256 amount) external {// Encode the function selector for `receiveCall` in ABI-encoded formatbytesmemory method = abi.encodeWithSelector(IDummyMultiChainApp.receiveCall.selector);// Pay fee...uint fixedFee = mgr.calculateFixedFee(remoteChainId, method.length);// This estimate fee will work becaue the remote contract code and local ones are identical. In real world scenarios// there is no way for the local contract to calculate the var tx fee. Only the offchain application can do this by// calling the estimateGasForRemoteTransaction method on the remote QP ledger manager. console.log("Estimating gas...");uint gasFrom = gasleft(); portal.estimateGasForRemoteTransaction( remoteChainId,address(this),address(this), beneficiary, method, token, amount);uint varFee = gasFrom - gasleft(); console.log("Estimating gas... Done.");IERC20(feeToken).safeTransfer(portal.feeTarget(), fixedFee + varFee); console.log("Sent fee: ", fixedFee + varFee);// Send the value and run the remote tx...IERC20(token).safeTransfer(address(portal), amount); console.log("Sent amount: ", amount); portal.runWithValue(uint64(remoteChainId), remoteContract, beneficiary, token, method); console.log("Remote run..."); }functionreceiveCall() externaloverride { (uint netId,address sourceMsgSender,address beneficiary) = portal.msgSender(); console.log("DummyMultiChainApp: Remote msg called", netId, sourceMsgSender, beneficiary); }}
Ping Pong Contract
For the fist example lets build a simple ping-pong contract, the contract will send a ping message to a remote contract deployed on another network and the pong contract will receive the ping message and send a pong message back to the caller.
Pong Contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragmasolidity ^0.8.0;import"quantum-portal-smart-contracts/contracts/quantumPortal/poc/IQuantumPortalPoc.sol";import"quantum-portal-smart-contracts/contracts/quantumPortal/poc/IQuantumPortalFeeManager.sol";/** * @title Pong * @dev A smart contract that handles pinging and ponging between contracts using Quantum Portal. */contract Pong {uint256public CHAIN_ID; IQuantumPortalPoc public portal;mapping (address=>uint) public pings;addresspublic pingContract;constructor() {initialize(); }/** * @dev Initializes the Pong contract. */functioninitialize() internalvirtual {uint256 overrideChainID; // for test only. provide 0 outside a testaddress portal_address; portal =IQuantumPortalPoc(portal_address); CHAIN_ID = overrideChainID ==0? block.chainid : overrideChainID; }/** * @notice This function should be called by the QuantumPortal. * @dev Handles the ping event triggered by the QuantumPortal. */functionpingRemote() external {// caller is QP (uint netId,address sourceMsgSender,address beneficiary) = portal.msgSender();// ensure the caller is the ping contractrequire(sourceMsgSender == pingContract,"Caller not expected!"); pings[sourceMsgSender] +=1; }/** * @dev Sends a pong response to the recipient on a specific chain. * @param recipient The address of the recipient to send the pong response. * @param chainId The ID of the chain on which the pong response is sent. */functionpong(address recipient,uint256 chainId) external { pings[recipient] -=1;bytesmemory method = abi.encodeWithSelector(Ping.remotePong.selector);// Call the QuantumPortal to run the specified method on the given chain and contract portal.run(uint64(chainId), pingContract, msg.sender, method); }/** * @dev Sets the address of the ping contract. * @param contractAddress The address of the ping contract. */functionsetPingContractAddress(address contractAddress) external { pingContract = contractAddress; }}
Ping Contract
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;import"quantum-portal-smart-contracts/contracts/quantumPortal/poc/IQuantumPortalPoc.sol";import"quantum-portal-smart-contracts/contracts/quantumPortal/poc/IQuantumPortalFeeManager.sol";/** * @title Ping * @dev A smart contract that handles pinging and ponging between contracts using Quantum Portal. */contract Ping { IQuantumPortalPoc public portal;uint256public MASTER_CHAIN_ID =26000; // The FRM chain IDaddresspublic PongContract;mapping (address=>uint) public pongs;constructor() {initialize(); }/** * @dev Initializes the Ping contract. */functioninitialize() internalvirtual {uint256 overrideChainID; // for test only. provide 0 outside a testaddress portal_address; portal =IQuantumPortalPoc(portal_address); }/** * @dev Initiates the ping event. */functionping() external {bytesmemory method = abi.encodeWithSelector(Pong.pingRemote.selector); portal.run(0,uint64(MASTER_CHAIN_ID), PongContract, msg.sender, method); }/** * @dev Handles the pong event triggered by the QuantumPortal. * @param recipient The address of the recipient of the pong event. */functionremotePong(address recipient) external { pongs[recipient] +=1; }}
You can view the full example here : https://github.com/ferrumnet/quantum-portal-tutorial-code-and-examples